Thursday, August 30, 2012

What's up? Not our ceiling...

Yup, you read that title correctly, parts of my ceiling are no longer what's up. This means of course that they have fallen. Luckily we weren't in the room when it happened, and luckily it looks like it isn't going to happen again. For now we are sleeping in a new room while everything gets fixed up for us, but because of Shabbat we won't be able to move back until Sunday. While I was upset about it for a bit, I know it's all part of the adventure and one day I will be telling funny stories to my children about that time in Israel when my ceiling fell down.

Other than that, I have been doing more exploring. Today we went to the shuk and I got some delicious plums, pita, and avocados. I also spent about half an hour in the grocery store trying to locate turkey (everything that looked like turkey was labeled as Mexican Pastrami for some reason), and so we ended up making friends with the English speaking deli guy who insisted on feeding us goose. It tasted pretty good, but I'm thinking it is going to be a one time only thing.

Speaking of making friends, this is the other main thing I have been doing here. I have already made friends with the pizza guy across the street (who once lived in America for a little bit and says the thing he misses most is the Cheesecake Factory), the felafel guy down the street (who told someone in my group they could just pay him the next day since she didn't have any shekels yet), the lady who cashiers at the grocery store, and the 29 other wonderful people who will be teaching with me here in Netanya. My friends here are all very funny and I have cried from laughter multiple times today.

I am very jet lagged and have been waiting not so patiently for my circadian rhythm to adjust. Right now it is 3AM (an improvement over last night's bed time), so I am going to go to sleep. Goodnight from Israel!


Fallen ceiling.

Whole in ceiling before it got worse.

Netanya shuk!

At the shuk :)

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